Spent a good part of today at Big Boys Toys. Most of it was great, I will post photo's up in next day or so.
A couple of mates and I went and saw May Payne the other day. Was a rather dark movie, I think 95% was set at night, and every outside scene was snowing. Overall I enjoyed it. Afterwards we were talking about some theological themes weaved throughout the movie. I have to admit it was hard to place anything christian, like redemption, in the film because of it's darkness and focus on evil (not that I'm a great film analyst or anything). But one thing did come to mind. It was that if Max Payne was the Christ-like, redemptive figure in the movie he went out against the illusions of the world and Satan. He goes up against this guy Jack Lupino (a crazy, amped up, power hungry, delusional, killing machine) and Lupino dies. Not by Max's doing, but by BB who I will come to next. Lupino represents the illusions of the world, for example power, wealth, possessions, selfishness, all fed by this guy who we call Satan. Through Max's encounter with Lupino, Max reveals the illusion for the shallowness that it is. That it is in fact thin, volatile, and the power that it esteems is, in the end, all in vain.
In this movie BB is Satan, the one feeding Lupino, the illusions, drugs to keep him going on the streets. When Lupino fails to serve him anymore BB shoots him. Max Payne discovers that BB is the cause for all the current grief and loss in his life. This loss is what drives Max's. Perhaps much like a similar loss of relationship drives the redemption plan behind God. Max confronts BB after pushing through many trials and hardships, get's shot multiple times by him, but in the end shots BB. Here he overcomes BB, or Satan. Thus bringing an end to the grief over the loss in his life. However, Max differs to Christ, in that Christ can restore the loss. Max cannot restore his dead family. Christ is about love and restoration, Max was about revenge.
These are just my thoughts, let me know if you guys have any of your own!
Stay Gold
Worry and Idolatry
15 hours ago
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