Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Thought (cont)

In relation to the last post I write this one. I just gave this a watch and it's the sort of crap that puts me off church. "He thinks I'm going to enjoy it" - eh? Jesus the gravebuster? I can't be bothered with dressed up crap like this. It's not all bad, I'm sure it inspires people and helps them on their journey or whateva. But that pastor just reminds me of all the other pastors who are just good at selling sermons to people. Watch it here and feel free to criticize me on this.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Thought

As a house near-by was playing loud christian worship music I was thinking on how that made me feel. I don't like it. I don't like that sort of good feely feelings stuff that often comes with ....well....playing christian worship music loud. But then I'm not going to look down on someone who does i.e. the people in the near-by flat. I find myself perhaps a bit too post-modern for that. Rather, if it works for them, and they are enjoying a closer relationship to God through playing loud christian worship music, then do it.

However this also brings up images of church, christian social groups, small groups, and church life. I'm not really into that either. I wonder if it's cause it takes more time to be involved in stuff like that than it does to build friendships with other non-christians? I mean I like church, and I go to church. But should we be spending more time in church than with non-believers? Christian religion can often become a comfortable ghetto. The cheesiness of christian religion reeks of complacency, and it is this that I guess I react to. Perhaps I react too strongly though and don't give some areas of christian religion enough time to prove itself. Most of the time though I'm just thinking about how there is still more good to be done in the world. Especially in some sermons. But then, unavoidably, I am a hypocrite.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Could Anything Flabbagast Jesus?

Could someone render Jesus speechless? What is there that someone could say? What is there that someone can do? Is it possible? I think so. But there is something necessary to understand first. You see, Briar (my wife) can be an all or nothing chick - which is great (especially in photography). Things get done really well. So, for example, when the house gets a clean, it's not a simple vacuum and dishes wash. Nope, the house gets something just short of a makeover. Everything gets done. When a photo is getting taken, it gets taken perfect. When a fish is getting filleted, every last piece of flesh is utilised. When a tree is chainsawed, she will get it done perfect. From the place of cut, to the place the tree lands, to the size of the wood to be carried - each piece cut to the specifications of the carrier. This is my wife.

So can something make Jesus speechless? Well I was thinking the other day, I could see him speechless. In fact, this was the closest scenario I could think of. Imagine that Jesus has come back, and has been back for sometime. Forget a complete rapture of the saved. Rather, a world-wide protection by God from Satan and his minions. What has been going on is an epic battle between good and evil. One much anticipated for all history. I mean, when Jesus died on the cross, that was him throwing the gloves on the floor, looking Satan in the eye and saying "I'll give you an hour to gather your best team and let's take this outside." The hour is up, and the fight is in full swing. Not just for humans, but for all of God's good creation. This fight is global, from NZ to America to Scots Base. But there are two arch-enemies dueling it out on Mt Zion. It's Jesus vs. Satan and Satan is getting the beat down. No one else, angels nor demons, are fighting. But all are transfixed on this fight. Finally with Satan lying on the ground prostrate, absolutely beaten and his sword metres away, Jesus holds back the historically expected killing strike, blowing the minds of everyone watching. And instead he stands there and takes in the moments he has as he prepares himself to show Satan and the world a love and grace that only God can, and does harbour. And when all are silent, and an atmosphere of anticipation is present, from out of no where leaps Briar. She scoops up Satan's sword, and in the flash of an eye drives it through his throat dealing a killing blow. Stands up, brushes her fiery red hair back, looks Jesus in the eye and says "Look, like I tell my husband, no half measures! Either do it properly, or don't do it at all!" And with that, I think Jesus would be flabagasted. The most anticipated moment in all of history, one that makes Jesus' redemptive death look a miniscule blip in the life of it all, taken by my wife Briar.

I know I'd be shocked.
