Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Two Interesting Points

If anyone watches Battlestar Galactica here is a review posted by Christianity Today.

For anyone else who doesn't care about Battlestar Galactica and/or Christianity Today, I read these two interesting points of view on the TV series 24. The question asked by Scot was "Is there any point in watching 24? What sort of conversations does the program start?" Thus one person replied:

Bob Robinson
There is absolutely NO reason to watch 24
...Unless you want to give up your commitment to nonviolence
...Unless you want to endorse torture as a means for dealing with terrorists
...Unless you want to consume entertainment that glories in killing and destruction
...Unless you want to want to disavow your Christian commitment to loving your enemies
And another person responded in kind:

There is every reason to watch 24
....because a commitment to nonviolence doesn’t extend to those who only understand violence and won’t stop their violent acts
....because torture as a means to dealing with terrorists when innocent lives are hanging in the balance is understood
...because entertainment that reflects the noble reality of good triumphing over evil can be understood just as well in modern cinema as in the Bible
....because Christian love of my enemies does not give me permission to let my enemies violently take human life. Life is sacred.

I'm more with Mike than Bob. You can read it here.


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