So as seems to be common among many blogs, it loses its novelty. This is certainly what happened here. However I have good intentions, it would be great if I could start contributing to this alot more, my problem is I don't know how. I'm sure people don't want to read about the life of Jimmy - unless it can be made interesting. But right now it's not, I study, sleep, eat, study, spend time with Briar, eat and every now and then catch up with mates. I could talk about the current assignment I'm working on, but that will not see the creation of many posts, not to mention its limited appeal. I have tried recently to post photo's of various things from places I've been recently, but this hasn't proved very productive either.
Maybe I'll spend some time thinking about writing one thing a week, rather than writing several small ones a day like apparently 'true' bloggers such as Scot McKnight (who I like reading).
Anyhows, I guess I'd better stop procrastinating from my assignment, and get back to it. Wonder what I should write about this week....its Tuesday already :s